Yoga and Mindfulness in the Classroom

In recent times I have had  discussions with parents regarding the emotional and mental stressors associated with the Secondary Entrance Assessment  examination . For the most part parents were pained at seeing their pre - teen experience stress that we don't generally associate with the  childhood journey. The use of the statement " It will be over soon" though true does not address the emotional and physical memory of stress that can accumulate in the body. How can we take a preventative approach by offering children the skills not to simply cope but to thrive.

Yoga and Mindfulness practices are one of the tools that can help children navigate  their internal compass in a way that supports well being and prepares the mind for learning and writing exams. 
Firstly let's have a look at  some of the factors that  create an external and internal atmosphere of anxiety. One of the main factors is the feeling of being in a battle field.

It's a Jungle Out There

The messaging of survival mode  aka " survival of the fittest or brightest" is a very loud  and pervasive message in the air as children begin preparing for S.E.A. In a sense the scene that is set is reminiscent of our ancestors who had to fight for their right to survive. Students in preparing for exams imagine a luminous threat that feels more like an angry ocean than a calm sea. Switching  into a Flight or Fight Mode in response to tests , exams and related pressures can manifest as stress in the physical body .
A hormonal response is triggered in Fight or Flight modes , releasing  cortisol and adrenaline .  Increased heart rate or feeling of pain in the chest can occur. Even feelings of naseau and stomach pains .  Headaches and blurry vision are also symptoms that can arise. 

What are some of the causes of these symptoms ? There are situational and mental causes associated increasing levels of anxiety amoungst children.

  • The pressure of timed tests
  • Poor Study Skills
  • Lack of Preparation
  • Previous poor test peformance 


  • Fear of poor grades
  • Fear of letting down parents and teachers
  • Emphasis placed on a Single Exam as a Success Factor
  • Using results as a reflection of self worth
  • Negative self-talk

What would a mind in such a state look like ?

The image on the left reflects what  anxiety and  fear would look metaphorically speaking .  Imagine trying to do your best with a mind that resembles this image coupled with physical manifestations of stress in your body.Through Mindfulness , these states can be managed  and help students to calm their bodies and minds resulting in clarity of mind and focus as in the image on the right.  Educators call this setting students up for success.  We often do this my ensuring the external environment supports the learning journey. Yoga and Mindfulness however  is a path to ensure that the internal environment supports the child so that they can learn and flourish. It is the valuing of the well being of the whole child.

Here's a simple breath awareness practice you can implement as an educator .

  • Close your eyes
  • Take a few deep breaths in through the nose and sigh out through the mouth
  • Observe your breath going in at the nose and out of the nose. Breathe in count one. Breathe out count one. 
  • Count ten breaths in and out.
  • Open your eyes and notice how you feel.

Practice this for 21 days with your students or children.

Additional Breath Practice includes Breath Affirmation or Statements . 

Breathing in I calm my body. Breathing out I calm my mind

Practice for 1 , 3 or 5 minutes

If you are interested in an at school Yoga and Mindfulness Programme , Bloom Yoga offers a 8 or 10 week Yoga and Mindfulness  Curriculum designed to support students, in  fostering whole being awareness.

Dionysia Browne
Owner Bloom Yoga
Zenergy Foundation and Advanced Certified

