Letting Light In
That we as human beings are vulnerable to deep and beautiful emotions as well as pain and anguish has been revealed through the Covid 19 Pandemic.
We have soldiered in many ways as warriors of the ages have, sitting around fires finding fireflies in the brilliant embers even as we prepare for what seems like a war on hopes , dreams and our notions of reality.
All cracked open and exposed , we journey on with a sense of rawness and vulnerability.
At the news of the recent restrictions I tumbled through a wave of sadness and an odd feeling of relief. I believe it was involuntary surrender from accumulated weariness
It is surrender that let the light in.
That alowed tears to fall
That let me feel the weight of it all
and Let it Go.
I've come to recognize that Letting Light in looks different every day. Some days it's washing dishes and cleaning up the space. Others it's listening to something inspirational or downright nonsensical. There are days when it is laying in bed until 11.00 am because my body aches . Still another it is expressing ideas and working on my businesses. On another feeling to give up entirely and still another new exciting ideas and vibrancy.
If I can end my day with embers and with fire flies dancing in my heart and a reverence for being here. I think I've done my part. Today I am sitting on a blanket on the grass listening to birds sing their songs as evening comes. Giving each other the score of the day .Blissfully unaware of a pandemic . Reminding me to find a song when evening is done for even soldiers sing during a war. Another way to let light in. Another way to let my soul win.
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